About the Course

Today, basic medical knowledge is required not only for training in professions related to cosmetology, podiatry, dermatology and most areas of the beauty industry. They are also useful in everyday life, helping you to better understand how your own body functions and avoid mistakes in caring for your body and skin.
The course offered to the listeners is not the full-fledged substitute of studying on the medical faculty, and, unfortunately, after its graduation it is impossible to get diplomas in the program specialties.
It is possible to complete the educational program in the form of distance learning.
During the classes and seminars the cadets receive basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the human body, as well as review methods and ways of rendering first aid.
Our managers will choose for you the most convenient schedule and tell you in detail about the peculiarities of the training program for the chosen qualification. You can get all the nuances and the price for the training program you like, as well as get advice on the cost of several educational programs purchased as a package from our advisers.